Middlesbrough Staying Put Agency

What does it do?

Middlesbrough Staying Put Agency is an advice & repair service enabling older, vulnerable and disabled people to stay in their own home.
The Agency is Middlesbrough's home improvement agency and it was established in 1991.  It works with Social Care and other organisations to provide a service to help older people, people of all ages with disabilities and those who are otherwise vulnerable to remain and live more independently in their own homes.
The Agency will give advice on repairs, improvements or adaptations to your home and will provide information about financial assistance and can offer practical help to investigate other sources of funding.
If you are looking at moving or more suitable accommodation, the Agency can help you with your 'Housing Options'.
The Agency operates the Middlesbrough Mobile Adapt and Mend Service (MMAMS) handyperson scheme which offers essential minor repairs and minor adaptations which can include minor plumbing and joinery repairs, grab rails, stair rails, half steps and clearing guttering.
The Agency can also take the worry of organising house repairs, adaptations or improvements through their Private Works service. For a small administration fee they will:

  • Visit your home to discuss what work is wanted
  • Obtain estimates from contractors for the work
  • Provide advice on practical matters whilst the work is in progress
  • Liaise with builders
  • Inspect the work to ensure it has been carried out to an acceptable standard