Cheshire East Council Home Care Service
What does it do?
Care in your home can help with personal care such as washing, dressing, assistance in and out of bed or with other tasks such as help in managing your finances. Staff offer support by working closely with relatives and other carers, so that, where appropriate, caring tasks can be shared. We will work with you to develop confidence and possibly regain skills to increase your independence.
Who it is for?
Care in your own home is offered to people who require assistance. Following an assessment of your needs anyone can have home care. People may wish to receive support from this service because they are frail, may have severe learning disabilities, have mental health needs or a physical disability.
Where it is available?
Local service (Macclesfield, Congleton, Crewe and Nantwich).
What it costs:
An assessment is made according to your financial circumstances.
How to access or apply for it:
Call the Adult Social Care Team for further information. During normal office hours you can contact the team in your area by calling: 0300 123 5010
Intermediate /after hospital care, Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Personal care at home (registered), Domestic help
Info last updated:

Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ