Crossroads Care East Lancashire
What does it do?
Crossroads Care East Lancashire is a specialist not for profit organisation providing support to Carers in their own homes, giving Carers ‘time’ to be themselves. We have over 19 years experience of developing and delivering services to Carers and people with care needs and we are committed to providing practical support in the home and community to enable Carers to have a break from their caring responsibilities
Our objective is to relieve the stresses experienced by carers of children and adults who have care needs, by offering respite support through the provision of community based support workers. Our mission is to promote, offer and deliver high quality services for carers and people with care needs. We respect the individuality of carers and people with care needs and seek to promote their choice, independence, dignity and safety. We believe that carers must have access to high-quality services that enable them to fully benefit from a break from their caring responsibilities.
We respect the privacy and personal choices, lifestyles, customs, cultures and values of each person for whom a service is provided and involve carers and people with care needs in the provision, management and development of services provided by Crossroads Care East Lancashire.
Our geographical reach includes the areas of Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale and Blackburn with Darwen.
What some of our service users say about us:-
“The cheerful visits by the carers gets both of our days off to a good start. Before Crossroads I was exhausted.”
“I truly appreciate having access to Crossroads Care East Lancashire...
“I am so grateful to Crossroads for giving me the help and support with my respite. Thank you so much.”
“We have found everyone at Crossroads to be excellent and very professional in their care and would not change anything in any way.”