Friendly and reliable decluttering serviceWhat does it do?
Help with decluttering of rooms and cupboards. I may be able to take a few items to a charity shop or to the refuse centre for you.
Who it is for?
Anyone can use this service
Where it is available?
Local service (Maldon, Basildon, Chelmsford).
What it costs:
£16.50 per hour. Minimum charge is 1 hour and further time can be added on in 30 minute slots if needed.
Payments can be paid by debit card or credit card on the day.
Payments can be paid by debit card or credit card on the day.
How to access or apply for it:
Please telephone, text, whats app, email or message via my facebook page: facebook/com/geminisupport
What to expect then:
I will contact you to discuss your needs and arrange a free in home assessment
Additional information:
I am insured and DBS checked
Info last updated: