MyLife Home Care West Scotland & Glasgow
"care at home", "live in care", "personal care" , "care"What does it do?
MyLife Home Care offers professional and compassionate support in the home to enable a more independent lifestyle. From companionship, social visits to personal care and domestic help to more complex medical support and live in care
Who it is for?
Any adults and older person
Where it is available?
National service (Scotland).
What it costs:
Please call us for a quote. Minimum visit time 1 hour
How to access or apply for it:
Adults and Older People
What to expect then:
A call from us to discuss further details with you
Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Home from hospital services, Personal care at home (registered), Domestic help, Live-in care
Info last updated:


Unit 6 Beardmore Business Centre, Beardmore Street, Clydebank, G81 4HA