What we do

What does it do?

We are a local independent charity established in 1991 to empower older people in the Stone & District area to live the most fulfilling lives they can. As well as providing a free and confidential information and advice service, we also run a number of other services including Lunch Club, Coffee Mornings and Befriending; none of which would be possible without our team of wonderful volunteers.

Help and Advice

We offer confidential  information to older people, their relatives, carers and friends. Benefits, housing issues,   community care, consumer problems and energy bills are of particular concern to many of the people who contact us.
We assist our clients in the completion of complex forms including those for Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Blue Badges. Our volunteers are experienced in the completion of these often daunting forms and will make the form filling process a less stressful affair.

If we can’t help with a particular enquiry, we can usually refer you to someone or some organisation who can.

Lunch Club

We operate a lunch club and friendship group in Stone where like minded people can meet for good food and a chat. Our current format is flexible, but broadly speaking we meet once a month to travel out to a restaurant on the Green Bus.

Coffee Mornings

Every Tuesday and Friday morning we host a drop-in coffee morning for people to meet for coffee and a chat in a comfortable room at our offices, situated in 15 Station Road, Stone.  
All are welcome to join us, so please come along. 
Coffee time is from 9.45 am until 11.15 am. 
Coffee, Tea and Biscuits are all free.
Come along and sit and chat, pass the time with nice people, don't just sit at home, join us!

Hospital Transport

We run a car transport scheme to take older people who are unable to drive themselves to appointments at hospitals in Stoke, Stafford and Cannock.

We charge for this service but our rates are less than half of taxi costs for those journeys.
Our volunteer drivers are paid mileage expenses.


We have a Befriending Service whereby people are visited in their own homes by one of our caring volunteers, and additionally a further telephone Befriending Service is available.

If you know anyone who could benefit from this or indeed if you would like to spare a few hours as a befriender yourself then please contact us via the "Contact us" page.