Community transport service for older people in Edinburgh & LothiansWhat does it do?
When does it operate?
The service operates seven days a week including evenings, subject to availability.
How does it work?
Once registered, you simply phone 0131 447 9949 for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian journeys and 01506 633953 for West Lothian journeys. As part of the booking process, the dispatcher will tell you the price of the journey. Prices are very reasonable and significantly cheaper than taxis. Dial-A-Ride is charged on a mileage basis at £4.75 for the first mile plus 40p per mile thereafter.
You can get £5 off your first booking.
It is advisable to book in advance, but you can try for bookings on the same day or day ahead although the availability of these bookings is subject to demand.
Our vehicles are specially adapted to carry combinations of wheelchair users and other passengers safely and comfortably.
Your driver will also assist you - it is part of the service - so please do not offer a tip.
Do I need to be registered with Dial-A-Ride?
Yes. Registration is free but provides us with the information on your level of mobility and so we can plan around the number of wheelchairs per journey.
Just complete the online form: https://www.hcltransport.org.uk/register
Passengers must be resident in Edinburgh or the Lothians. Journeys are usually undertaken to places within Lothian.
Can I travel outwith the Lothians?
A special tariff is applied for journeys to destinations outwith the Lothian area. Prices will be quoted on request.
The service operates seven days a week including evenings, subject to availability.
How does it work?
Once registered, you simply phone 0131 447 9949 for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian journeys and 01506 633953 for West Lothian journeys. As part of the booking process, the dispatcher will tell you the price of the journey. Prices are very reasonable and significantly cheaper than taxis. Dial-A-Ride is charged on a mileage basis at £4.75 for the first mile plus 40p per mile thereafter.
You can get £5 off your first booking.
It is advisable to book in advance, but you can try for bookings on the same day or day ahead although the availability of these bookings is subject to demand.
Our vehicles are specially adapted to carry combinations of wheelchair users and other passengers safely and comfortably.
Your driver will also assist you - it is part of the service - so please do not offer a tip.
Do I need to be registered with Dial-A-Ride?
Yes. Registration is free but provides us with the information on your level of mobility and so we can plan around the number of wheelchairs per journey.
Just complete the online form: https://www.hcltransport.org.uk/register
Passengers must be resident in Edinburgh or the Lothians. Journeys are usually undertaken to places within Lothian.
Can I travel outwith the Lothians?
A special tariff is applied for journeys to destinations outwith the Lothian area. Prices will be quoted on request.
Who it is for?
Dial-A-Ride provides a door-through-door transport service for people with limited mobility who are unable to use ordinary buses due to age, illness, health condition (long term or short term), disability or geographical remoteness.
Where it is available?
Regional service (East Lothian, Edinburgh, West Lothian, Midlothian).
Info last updated:
24/3a Dryden Road, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9HX