Supporting People
Free befriending and social support for people in Swansea aged 55+What does it do?
Support includes:
- Friendship
- Listening
- Problem Solving
- Advice and Information
- Promoting Independence
- Social Integration
Volunteers and visiting assistants visit people in their own homes on a weekly/fortnightly basis, with visits usually lasting between 1- 2 hours. We also have a telephone service, with volunteers and staff phoning clients on a regular weekly/fortnightly basis. The project also holds events throughout the year.
Who it is for?
The project operates a floating support type service, offering long term, low level support, to help maintain independence and well being.
This service is entirely free, offering client led support to people in the City and County of Swansea, over 55 years of age and living on their own.
The project operates Monday to Friday 9 - 5
This service is entirely free, offering client led support to people in the City and County of Swansea, over 55 years of age and living on their own.
The project operates Monday to Friday 9 - 5
What it costs:
This is a free service
How to access or apply for it:
Contact Age Cymru Swansea Bay's Supporting People team
Tŷ Davies
Tawe Business Village
Swansea Enterprise Park
01792 648 866
Tŷ Davies
Tawe Business Village
Swansea Enterprise Park
01792 648 866
Info last updated:


Tŷ Davies, Tawe Business Village, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA7 9LA