Driving Miss Daisy Barnstaple

Reliable and trusted Driving and Companion Service

What does it do?

Driving Miss Daisy is a trusted service offering much more than just transportation. We collect you, drive you to and from your destination and provide assistance as you require in our Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle.

We care about making every journey a pleasure, and all our drivers are Enhanced DBS checked, private hire licensed, first-aid accredited, dementia friendly and trained to assist with your mobility, giving you peace of mind.

We will help with:
Trips to the doctor, hospital, podiatrist, hairdresser, and any other appointments you have made
Organising and accompanying on social outings with friends welcome
Shopping assistance as needed, especially helpful if there are several stops to make
Supporting clients with special needs; Delivering children safely to and from school or activities
Taking pets to the vet

Please see our website at www.drivingmissdaisy.co.uk

"We're family when family can't be there"

Who it is for?

Driving Miss Daisy offers a safe, friendly and reliable driving and companion service in the Barnstaple and surrounding areas for the young, elderly, vulnerable people and anyone who is unable to drive but wishes to remain independent.

Where it is available?

Local service (Torridge, North Devon).

What it costs:

We are considered to be affordable and extremely cost effective. 

The costs are time-based and relate to time in the car and time spent with the customer consisting of companionship or waiting.

If the customer provides us with details of where they want to go, what assistance they require and if they need our companionship we can pretty quickly provide them with a quote.

How to access or apply for it:

Contact Mark and Sharon on 07868 013268 or email us with your details at barnstaple@drivingmissdaisy.co.uk

Useful Download(s):


Info last updated:
