Samaritans Bristol

What does it do?

Samaritans aim to improve someone's emotional health at times of distress.  They offer a confidential service and you can remain anonymous.  They are available at any time of day or night all year round.

Who it is for?

For people of all ages and backgrounds

Where it is available?

Regional service (Gloucestershire, Somerset).

What it costs:

There is no charge

How to access or apply for it:

Telephone the local number on 0117 983 1000 or the national number on 08457 909090
You can e mail
You can use a minicom
You can write to Chris, P.O.Box 9090, Stirling, FK8 2SA or you can visit the
Bristol office between 7.30am and 9.00pm

What to expect then:

Someone will be available to listen and talk with you.  If you visit the office without an appointment and the volunteers are busy you may have to wait a little while until someone can be with you, so if you are travelling any distance it may be best to make an appointment first.


Info last updated:

37 St Nicholas Street, Bristol, BS1 1TP