Community Development

What does it do?

Strong communities and local connections are at the heart of keeping well and improving quality of life. Community groups are a great way to get the extra support that you may need. They can help you meet new friends, learn new skills, keep physically and mentally fit and have good fun!

If you would like to talk to us please call 01954 211919

A community can mean more than the geographical area in which you live, it can also include people with a shared interest, shared diagnosis, a hobby or skill or a coming together to tackle a local concern or good cause. Most of us will be part of more than one community without realising it!

Care Network has already helped hundreds of groups and activities set up and run safely across Cambridgeshire. We do this by guiding people through the maze of good practice. Starting a group or activity isn’t difficult but we are on hand to offer our expert knowledge and support to get things off to a good start.

Once a group or activity is up and running, we step back and let you get on with things but be reassured that we are always in the background to offer more help and support as needed.

So, if you have ever thought of starting a new group or activity in your community, the Care Network Community Development Team is here to help. We need you to help us to build your community!