East Herts Community Transport
East Herts Community TransportWhat does it do?
This is a project of the CVS for Broxbourne and East Herts, aiming to facilitate community transport in our district. This includes a Community Car Scheme, run by the CVS as well as initiatives and options of other providers: door-to-door services, car schemes, minibuses for hire as well as other services that make life easier if you are struggling to get out and about.
Who it is for?
If you have any community transport needs, don’t know how to get to essential appointments or would like to organise a trip for your community group, please have a look around or give us a call. We would be very happy to help you getting around.
Where it is available?
Local service (East Hertfordshire).
What it costs:
Contact for details
How to access or apply for it:
See contact details above
Info last updated:

Sanville Gardens, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 8GA