Community Transport SussexWhat does it do?
The community bus runs 5 days per week in Mid
Sussex South.
Mon, Wed & Fri:
Burgess Hill & surrounding villages.
Tue, Thurs:
H-Heath and surrounding villages.
For E-Grinstead and Henfield Please see the
relevant section of the leaflet.
If we can't help you with our regular services then
please ask about our Volunteer Car Service.
Our door-to-door service provides you with vital
independence if you have restricted mobility. It
lets you make your own travel arrangements and
allows you to participate fully in your community
without being reliant on friends and family.
All vehicles are fitted with seatbelts and have
access for wheelchairs and scooters.
Who it is for?
This service is not just available to disabled
people but also families, friends and carers, plus
volunteers and professionals working with them.