Bright Avenues Home Care Services Ltd
Providing home care in Barwell, Hinckley, Leicestershire and NuneatonWhat does it do?
We are a family run Domiciliary and Supported Living Home Care Provider, specialising in providing services for individuals with a variety of needs, from those with learning disabilities such as autism and Downs Syndrome to individuals with complex and mental health needs.
We provide a wide range of services, centered around those we support:
Personal Care
Medication Administration
Food preparation
Household duties
Respite for carers
Community opportunities and integration
Work experiece
Holidays day trips
We think of ourselves as a family, a community of people, dedicated to the support, encouragement and empowering the lives of those within it - from Service Users to our hand selected team of care professionsld.
We believe in promoting an approachable and open culture to inspecting bodies, family members and
professionals.As a local independent company all Providers are easily contactable, with a true grass roots knowledge of the service that we provide.
We provide a wide range of services, centered around those we support:
Personal Care
Medication Administration
Food preparation
Household duties
Respite for carers
Community opportunities and integration
Work experiece
Holidays day trips
We think of ourselves as a family, a community of people, dedicated to the support, encouragement and empowering the lives of those within it - from Service Users to our hand selected team of care professionsld.
We believe in promoting an approachable and open culture to inspecting bodies, family members and
professionals.As a local independent company all Providers are easily contactable, with a true grass roots knowledge of the service that we provide.
Who it is for?
We provide supported living and domiciliary home care in Barwell, Hinckley, Burbage, Earl Shilton and the surrounding areas of Leicestershire and Nuneaton to promote independence for individuals with conditions that include:
Learning Disabilites
Mental Health Needs
Physical Disabilites
Learning Disabilites
Mental Health Needs
Physical Disabilites
Where it is available?
Local service (Harborough, Hinckley & Bosworth, Leicester, Melton, Blaby, Charnwood, North West Leicestershire, Oadby & Wigston, Rutland).
Intermediate /after hospital care, Mental health care, Support for carers / Relief Care / Respite Care, Personal care at home (registered), Live-in care
Info last updated:
76 High Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 8DR