Respite Care

What does it do?

Respite care can help to reduce the stresses of being a full time carer and allows carers valuable 'time off' to do things that they would otherwise not be able to do such as taking a holiday, decorating, or attending appointments, and allows them to do so safe in the knowledge that their loved one is being cared for.

Who it is for?


Where it is available?

Regional service (East Sussex, West Sussex).

What it costs:

Respite care may be funded by Social Services, Health Funding or private funding. Funding will need to have been agreed prior to the respite dates. If you require further information please contact our Welfare Team.

How to access or apply for it:

Please write to us at:
St Peter & St James Hospice & Continuing Care Centre
North Common Road
North Chailey
East Sussex
Main switchboard: 01444 471598

24 hours - for all enquiries including out of hours emergencies
Patients' telephone: 01444 471599
Fax: 01444 471088
Send us an email

What to expect then:

We have one room dedicated to respite care offering a break of one to 2 weeks. This can either be a one off respite or convalescence or regular breaks throughout the year. During their stay patients will benefit from the full range of services available at St Peter & St James and 24 hour care. As this is such a popular service it is essential to book well in advance.


Info last updated:

North Common Road, North Chailey, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 4ED