Information and Advice
Information and Advice serviceWhat does it do?
Age UK South Staffordshire offers information and advice on a wide range of topics through a free telephone helpline service and the provision of information factsheets, leaflets and online sources. Information can be posted out for easy reference or sent by email and telephone. Our telephone helpline offers help and advice for all older people, their family or friends, or people wishing to move to South Staffordshire. You can also browse the information and advice pages for more information.
Who it is for?
Older people in South Staffordshire
Where it is available?
Local service (South Staffordshire).
How to access or apply for it:
See contact details above
Telephone 01785 788 499 between 10.00am and 2.00pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Callers are directed to the National Advice Line outside this period.
Telephone 01785 788 499 between 10.00am and 2.00pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Callers are directed to the National Advice Line outside this period.
Additional information:
Our Information and Advice service could not exist without the support of a wide range of office based volunteers, helping with administration and enquiry support, and also volunteers who visit housebound clients and help with the completion of benefits forms and clarifying entitlements.
If you are interested in a volunteering role where you can have an early impact on the quality of life for many older people in Southern Staffordshire phone 01785 788 499.
Info last updated:


The Roller Mill, Teddesley Road, Penkridge, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST19 5BD