Disability and carers advice
Disability and carers adviceWhat does it do?
Information and advice – we provide general disability and carer advice on a vast range of subjects and topics. Volunteer and user led, this service is run by people with disabilities or caring experience..
Welfare benefits – specialist knowledge, skills and information about benefits including allowances, payments, credits, pensions, funds and budgets.
Appeals & tribunals – Unfortunately this service has now come to an end due to a lack of funding but if you still require help to complete an appeal or tribunal then we have some self-help packs which can either be downloaded from our website by clicking on the following link or by contacting us via email or telephone.
Service directory – a concise online directory to help you find various services across Nottinghamshire who can help, assist or support you or the person you care for.
Access guides – we have published a range of information guides which are free to download or alternatively we can send you one in the post.
Social care – this section is dedicated to social care, in particular, direct payments, personal budgets and support planning.
Health – information on local healthcare, GP’s, dentists, hospitals and personal health budgets.
Who it is for?
Where it is available?
How to access or apply for it:
Info last updated: