Care & Repair Service
What does it do?
Care & Repair (C&R) is a service for older people and adults or children with disabilities living in the private sector. It assists in completing home adaptations and/or repairs to enable people to live independently in safety and comfort.
How does the scheme work?
C&R will check you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to and will advise you on the work that could be carried out and how they can help you.
It is your decision whether you want C&R to act on your behalf.
If they do, they will prepare plans and specifications of works, liaise with your occupational therapist when designing adaptations, help you get quotes from reasonable and reliable contractors and help you to apply for any financial assistance.
They will also supervise the work from beginning to end, carry out frequent inspections to ensurestandards are met and liaise with contractors and other organisations.