Mega Resources Nursing & Care
Friendly service provided for clients who need help within their homesWhat does it do?
The service gives a person access to a variety of care support, whether it be a check visit, medication prompting, assistance with washing, dressing, personal care or help to get to appointments or daycare. It makes a difference to how people approach each day and combines support with independence.
Who it is for?
Individuals who have an assessed need for support, to enable them to remain at home or in familiar environment.
For anyone who requires a helping hand or assistance with all aspects of care and support.
For anyone who requires a helping hand or assistance with all aspects of care and support.
Where it is available?
Local service (Bedford).
What it costs:
£14 per hour.
Additional information:
Mega Care is dedicated to enabling adults and older adults in and around the Northampton & Bedfordshire area with support needs to live independent lives in the comfort of their own home and to participate within the communities they live in. Our service is centered on a truly personal approach and a commitment to quality and we believe that our service users deserve professional support at home. Together we will work alongside our service users and their friends and relatives; supporting independent living, providing peace of mind and reassurance and bringing a positive attitude to the day to day interactions our care staff have with our service users.
Info last updated:


Suite E, 20 Grove Place, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 3JJ