Day Care

Day care in New Milton Hampshire

What does it do?

Day Care can be hugely beneficial both emotionally, spiritually and practically and can also familiarise the user with life inside a residential home, making a possible transition to full time care less daunting.

Who it is for?

Our Day Care service is generally used by two groups of people. Firstly, by people who are living at home, perhaps alone, who are looking for somewhere to socialise and enjoy themselves, but in a safe and caring environment. We can provide a full day service, with all meals included, during which the service user can mix with people of their own age and take part in the wide range of activities designed to stimulate both mind and body.

Others who us the service may live with a full time carer, but join us for the day to perhaps give them a well deserved break or to cover those times when their carer is at work or has other commitments.

Where it is available?

Local service (New Forest).

How to access or apply for it:

See contact details above


Info last updated:

40-44 Barton Court Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 6NR