Wolverhampton Home Improvement Service (WHIS)
What does it do?
We can:
- provide grants or loans to remove hazards from your home, this can include electrical work, roofing, UPVC windows and doors
- offer a free Handyperson Service
- offer free gas safety checks and repairs
- provide the option for all works to be carried out by a trusted tradesman approved by Wolverhampton City Council
- offer advice and support in adapting your home including Disabled Facilities Grants
- discuss housing options with you and help you to make choices about your housing needs such as downsizing or moving to another area
- provide help and advice to keep you safe and secure at home
- point you to other organisations, including charities, who could help you
- visit you in your home to look at what improvements could be beneficial to you and advise on alarms and equipment
- give advice and information on energy efficiency and work with you to make your home more energy efficient to reduce bills
- complete inspections after work has been carried out to ensure that you are happy with the service you have received
- talk to you about any additional services that might be available to you
- help you access our Children's Centre Service if you have children living at home under the age of 5 years old and need help with maintenance
- support home owners suffering domestic violence abuse by carrying out minor safety repairs (delivered by The Haven).