Age UK Personal Alarms provided by PPP Taking Care
What does it do?
Independence when you want it, help when you need it
The Age UK Personal Alarm* service provided by PPP Taking Care gives the user independence, as well as peace of mind for friends and family. Offering help 24-hours a day, the alarm gives you the freedom to live your life, safe in the knowledge that if there is an accident or you have a fall, you can get help quickly.
At the touch of a button, you can connect to an operator in the 24-hour emergency response centre through the alarm base unit. The operator will automatically know who and where you are, and whether to inform your friends, family or the emergency services.
Age UK Personal Alarms are quick and easy to install, either by a friend or family member, or by one of PPP Taking Care's professional team. The lightweight alarm can be worn as a pendant or wristband and works around the home and in the garden. There are no numbers to dial or remember.