Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge.

Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge.
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Community Befriending
Loneliness and isolation can have big impact on the health and welbeing of older people. Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge provides a Community Befriending service to help tackle the causes of isolation and loneliness. The...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Computer Training and Support
At our computer learning centres we offer a wide range of one to one training in all aspects of computing. We can help you with the following: How email and Skype can help you stay in touch with family and friends ...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Counselling can enable a person to feel more in control of their lives and discover new strengths and resources within themselves. Counselling sessions are usually weekly or fortnightly for approximately one hour and the...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Day Care (including dementia)
Our Edenbridge Day Centre opens on Tuesdays and Thursdays with activities including: Quizzes and games - Yoga - Falls prevention classes - Entertainment is also regularly provided by local performers, and...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Hearing Aid Clinics
Age UK Sevenoaks and Tonbridge works with Hi-Kent, a local charity for the deaf and hard of hearing, providing aftercare clinics. These are free and take place regularly. They can clean hearing aids and also replace bat...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Independent Living Support
Do you, or someone close to you, need a helping hand with housework, or gardening? Maybe you need someone to help you buy your granddaughter's birthday present, or you'd like a companion for a picnic in the park. ...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Information & advice
Each year Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge provides specialist advice to many hundreds of people on a range of subjects. Local Information Packs which you can download and print out can be found on our Local information ...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Lunch Clubs
Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge have many lunch clubs that are run by volunteers supported by Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge. Lunch clubs are great places for friends to regularly meet up or for people looking to mee...
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.

Other services
Other services available include chiropody, hairdressing, reflexology, postural stability classes, stepping out classes, toenail cutting.
Contact: Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge, , The Old Meeting House, St. Johns Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3LR.
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