Collingwood House

Retirement housing
67 Collingwood Road, Kingsley, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 4RX
67 Collingwood Road, Kingsley, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 4RX

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Manager's Description

"Our waiting lists have been transferred over to a local authority Choice Based Lettings System, which is administered by your local Council. We would therefore advise you to contact your Local Author..." Show more "Our waiting lists have been transferred over to a local authority Choice Based Lettings System, which is administered by your local Council. We would therefore advise you to contact your Local Authority directly to register. Contact Northampton on 0845 330 0637" Show less

Main Facts

Retirement housing
Tenure(s): Rent (social landlord)
25 flats. Renovated in 1985. Sizes studio, 1 bedroom.
Non-resident management staff and Careline alarm service
Lift, Stair lift(s), Lounge, Laundry, Guest facilities, Garden, Hairdressing salon
Access to site easy, but less so for less mobile people. Distances: bus stop 50 yards; shop 50 yards; post office 100 yards; town centre 1 mile(s); GP 1 mile(s).
Regular Social activities include: lunches, trips, organised by residents. New residents accepted from 60 years of age.
Housing Authority: West Northamptonshire
Social Care Authority: West Northamptonshire

Info updated: 06/12/2010
If you are the manager of Collingwood House and want to update your information, please click here.


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