Prince George House

Care home / Care home with nursing
102 Mansbrook Boulevard, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9GJ
102 Mansbrook Boulevard, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9GJ

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Operator's Description

"Prince George House is designed over two storeys and provides 80 bedrooms, all of them en-suite and all of them furnished to the highest standards. Residents are free to personalise their rooms with t..." Show more "Prince George House is designed over two storeys and provides 80 bedrooms, all of them en-suite and all of them furnished to the highest standards. Residents are free to personalise their rooms with their own photos and items of furniture if it helps them to feel more at home.

The downstairs bedrooms that face the secure landscaped gardens even have their own patio doors, so residents in these rooms will be able to have a chair or two for sitting outside plus their own plants in pots.

Each floor of the care home is divided into two suites, each with its own dining room and living area and quiet area for sitting. People who are living with dementia find this ‘community within a community’ atmosphere calming and reassuring as they see the same, familiar faces and there’s less unsettling coming and going around them." Show less

Main Facts

Care home / Care home with nursing
Conditions cared for: Older people generally / People with dementia / People with a terminal illness
Care period: Day visit / Long stay / Respite care stay.
This home accommodates 80 residents in 80 single rooms (80 en suite). It was purpose built in 2015.
Activities are arranged.
Housing Authority: Ipswich
Social Care Authority: Suffolk
Cost: Not available.

Info updated: 29/05/2024
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