All Directory entries are FREE. Our Quality of Information Mark (QI Mark) flags good presentations.
Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more.
Our National Housing for Older People Awards celebrate examples of successful retirement housing and housing-with-care.

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A core feature of this site is its comprehensive directory of all forms of retirement housing. With your help we can display very detailed information about your retirement schemes and developments, as well as photographs.

Quality of Information Mark
The EAC QI Mark is a kitemark designed to ensure that older people have access to accurate and detailed information when deciding whether to move to a retirement housing scheme, estate or village.

Advertise available properties
Advertise your retirement properties for rent, sale or shared ownership on our website.

HousingCare subscription services
HousingCare has become an extremely effective way for housing providers to reach their markets.