Extra help with essential costs if you’re on a low income

If you’re on a low income and have to meet the cost of unplanned expenses, you may be eligible for a payment from the Social Fund or your local council to help. This factsheet explains what you may be eligible for, how payments are made and how to complai


Attendance Allowance (Factsheet 34)

This factsheet covers Attendance Allowance, a tax-free and non-meanstested benefit paid to people who are 65 years old or over with attention or supervision needs. Unlike Disability Living Allowance (DLA), it does not have a mobility component. Attendance


Benefits for people under State Pension age (Factsheet 56)

This factsheet provides: Information about benefits for people under Pension Credit age (this is currently 62 ½ and will be 63 by April 2016); Information about Universal Credit and how it will affect people claiming other benefits; Disability and care


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