Housing Options for Older People
Looking ahead to 2026, the rising number of older people, combined with increased longevity, will create a much greater need for properties suitable for the impaired and averagely frail very old. This calls for a commitment to new ‘lifetime’ homes, constr
Design Principles for Extra Care
Essential basic information about key design principles and issues to consider when designing and developing a brief for a new Extra Care Scheme
Achieving Success in the Development of Extra Care Schemes for Older People
A practical guide to assist developers of Extra Care Housing. It draws on the experience of providers of Extra Care Housing tested against the experience and perspectives of commissioners or those responsible for local strategies.
Extra Care Strategic Developments in East Sussex – Housing LIN Case Study no.2
Some of the key issues involved in partnership-based strategic planning for extra care in East Sussex. A small conversion from sheltered housing and a larger new scheme catering for a range of use. Different management models are briefly discussed.
Extra Care Housing for Older People – An introduction for commissioners
The purpose of this document is to provide an introduction to the field for those from a variety of professional backgrounds and organisations who may be working together to commission new patterns of provision.