Handy person scheme

What does it do?

The Council’s Handyperson scheme can carry out minor repairs and small maintenance jobs to your home, at a subsidised rate, if you are eligible. If you want help and advice for larger repairs, improvements or adaptations, we may be able to help.

All Handyperson operatives are Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked (formerly known as Criminal Records Bureau - CRB checks).

Jobs we can do

Basic carpentry, plumbing and electrical work, for example:
- Ease and adjust windows/doors
- Put up shelves/hooks
- Replace tap washers
- Replace light bulbs
- Put up curtain rails
- Unblock sinks
- Fix a doorbell
- Fit new plug.

Home security:
Install spy-holes and door chains
Fit locks and key-safes.

Small home energy efficiency measures:
- Installing low energy light bulbs
- Draught proofing.

General home safety and falls prevention work:
- Securing rugs, carpets and trailing cables
- Installing grab rails.


You are required to either supply, or pay for the cost of, materials for the job.  If you are unable to shop for the items yourself, our Handyperson may be able to purchase them for you, but the time spent shopping will be included in the time spent on the job as worked hours that have to be paid for.

Some items, such as small grab rails or key-safes, may be available on prescription free of charge via the Transforming Community Equipment Service (TCES)/