Disabled Facilities Grant

What does it do?

A Disabled Facilities Grant is given to help towards the cost of adapting your home to enable you to continue to live there. A grant is paid when we consider that changes are necessary to meet your needs, and that the work is reasonable and practical.

How do I apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant?

To apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant you must contact Adult Care Connect and Direct. They will then carry out an assessment of your needs.

If the changes you request aren't considered to be practical or reasonable, alternative solutions can be discussed with Adult care Connect and Direct.

A landlord may apply on behalf of a disabled tenant. Six Town Housing tenants need to apply for a DFG.

If you are a Council tenant, then adaptations to Council owned properties are not funded by a DFG but are funded by the Housing Revenue Account and the assessing Occupational Therapist will make an application for funding on behalf of tenants once they have carried out an assessment of your needs as above.