SureCare Lambeth

High quality care at home, Personal Care, Homecare, Domiciliary Care

What does it do?

We provide personal care with person centred approach in community, promoting independence and dignity.
We enhance lives of our Clients and their position in society, by meticulously tailoring our services to our clients' needs and requirements, so they can live independently in their own homes.

Who it is for?

Older people
Learning disabilities
Physical disabilities
Sensory impairments
Dementia and mental health

Where it is available?

Local service (Lambeth).

What it costs:

We offer private services at competitive price, as well as under the council. The latter one will be able to advise on any financial help available.

How to access or apply for it:

Via direct contact with our office based in Lambeth.


Info last updated:

Vintage House, 36-37 Albert Embankment, London, Greater London, SE1 7TL