Derbyshire County Council: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Derbyshire County Council.

Derbyshire County Council

Adult Care Brokerage Service
Our brokerage service finds information about service providers and other resources. For example, agencies that provide help with personal care and activities of daily living.
Contact: Derbyshire County Council - Social Care, , County Offices, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG.

Blue badge scheme
The scheme, which is intended to allow badge holders to park close to their destination, also applies to registered blind people and people who drive regularly and have a severe disability in both arms and are unable to ...
Contact: Blue badge scheme, , County Offices, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG.

Community care centres
Community care centres provide a wide range of services to support people in the community. The centres support:- adults living with dementia and their carersl- ocal people - the centre will be a hub for the local commu...
Contact: Adult Social Care, .

Derbyshire Community Transport
Derbyshire Community Transport is a social enterprise that provides a wide range of community transport services: transport for individuals, transport for groups, minibus, shopping bus service
Contact: Derbyshire Community Transport, , 272 Derby Road , Marehay, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 8JN.

Derbyshire Connect and Active Travel
Derbyshire Connect provides transport to shopping destinations for people unable to use conventional buses because of age, disability or because they live in areas where public transport is limited.
Contact: Ashbourne Community Transport, , Compton Offices, King Edward Street, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1BW.

First Contact Derbyshire Signposting Scheme
First Contact is a free service for adults living in Derbyshire. It provides an easy way for you to get in touch with local services who can support your wellbeing and help you stay independent. We run the scheme in part...
Contact: Derbyshire Adult Care, .

Older People's Day Opportunities - Day Centres
Adult day centres in Derbyshire
Contact: Derbyshire County Council, , Derbyshire.

Registered home care services
We have a number of home care services across the county that we run in house. Each service is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and are inspected regularly to ensure they comply with the national minimum...
Contact: Derbyshire County Council, .
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