East Hampshire: Socialising > Activities services
1 - 20 of 21 Activities services in East Hampshire.
Age Concern Petersfield & District

Activities Calendar
All our activities in one place
Contact: Age Concern Petersfield & District, Petersfield Voluntary Service, Winton House, 18 High Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3JL.

Help at Home
We are here to make life easier for you. Our friendly and reliable home helps will undertake a wide range of tasks to help improve your quality of life and keep you independent at home. Our local team will talk to you ab...
Contact: Age Concern Petersfield & District, Petersfield Voluntary Service, Winton House, 18 High Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3JL.

Outings &d Events
We organise a varied programme of afternoon outings, day trips, theatre & film events, as well as a regular fish and chip run. Our minibus drivers will pick you up from your door and bring you home. There is a small ...
Contact: Age Concern Petersfield & District, Petersfield Voluntary Service, Winton House, 18 High Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3JL.
Batanai Care Limited

Home Care
Support with personal care; Support with getting out and in bed,bathing,dressing and grooming Medication management and support Support with light domestic work eg.cleaning,shopping accompanying to appointments and thera...
Contact: Home Care, 37 Vaughan House, Poynders Gardens, London, SW4 8PB.
Brendoncare Clubs and Community Support Service

Brendoncare Club Volunteering
Our community clubs are currently closed but we are providing regular telephone contact to our members to support them at this difficult time and help them feel that they are not alone. The telephone support service can ...
Contact: Community Support Service, The Brendoncare Foundation, The Old Malthouse, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7DU.
Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation
Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation
CISWO is a responsive team-based charity positively impacting upon the lives of over 500,000 coalfield residents through a wide range of services delivered by professional, experienced and dedicated staff.CISWO is commit...
Contact: Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation, 142 Queens Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7LH.

EAC Entertainers' Directory
It provides information on over 300 Acts, UK wide, that are keen to perform for groups of older people in retirement housing complexes, care homes and day centres. Now UK-wide and growing fast, the directory is open to a...
Contact: HousingCare website, 3rd floor, 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TP.

MHA Active
Helping to keep your mind and body active. Simply download, sign up and join in... at https://mha.disciplemedia.com/signup The Free MHA Active app Enjoy videos, articles, games, quizzes and more – there’s ...
Contact: MHA Active.
Mind for You

Mind for You
All of our activities are in small groups of up to 12 people, meaning that our dedicated, compassionate staff are able to provide more flexible, personalised support. MY Time is available during all of our activities and...
Contact: Mind for You, 5 The Willows Burton on the Wolds Loughborough LE12 5AP, Burton on the Wolds , Loughborough , Leicestershire, LE12 5AP.
My Life Films

My Life Films
My Life Films is a dementia charity that makes free films about the lives of people with dementia. The personalised films to improve their quality of life and quality of care. Every film package we make is given to the p...
Contact: My Life Films, 2 3 Dickson House Grove Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 6SP.

Oddfellows, making friends, helping people
Through life's ups and downs, we're there for our members. As a friendly society and mutual – it's what we do. From fun social get-togethers and trusted support and advice when members might need it, to exclusive o...
Contact: Oddfellows.
Parkinson's UK
Information and support
We’re here for you. From support in the cost of living crisis to help managing your Parkinson’s symptoms, we've got the information and support you need. By funding the right research into the most promising...
Contact: Parkinson's UK.

Tea Parties
Re-engage organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone. Offering a regular and vital friendship link every month.Each older person is collected from th...
Contact: Re-engage, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR.
Royal Voluntary Service

Advice and Support
Guidance and advice on: Easy exercises to do at home - Eating well when you’re over 70 - Feeling well and overcoming loneliness - Guide to Retirement - Hospital stays - Hydration - Keeping active with health condit...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Social Activities
Whether you want to meet friends for a bite to eat, enjoy a hobby or interest with like-minded people or want to learn new skills, there’s something for everyone. Some of our clubs and groups take place in Royal Vo...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Salvation Army UK

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Churches & Community Centres, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN.

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Lunch Clubs.

Massage , aromatherapy and sensory sessions. Professional massaage in a variety of settings homes,day centres, social clubs in southampton and surrounding areas
Contact: Massage, arometherapy and sensory sessions, southampton, hampshire.
Stroke Association

Stroke support in your area
Our services are commissioned locally, and provide a variety of support options Stroke support groups offer peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. Search to see what’s available in your loca...
Contact: Stroke Association, Stroke House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR.
Tourism for all

Tourism for All UK
Tourism for All UK is an independent charity supporting leisure and tourism opportunities for all, operating an information service to older and disabled people, and working with the industry and government to raise the ...
Contact: Charity, PO Box 318, Wirral, Merseyside, CH32 9GG.