Berwick Almshouses
Berwick Park, Berwick, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3HW
Berwick Park, Berwick, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3HW
Managed by
Berwick Almshouse Charity
Manager's Description
"These Almshouse Flats are Situated On The Berwick Estate In A Picturesque Location On The Outskirts Of Shrewsbury."Main Facts
Retirement housing
Tenure(s): Licence
7 flats. Built in 1672. Sizes 1 bedroom.
Resident management staff
Laundry, Guest facilities, Garden
This almshouse charity caters for: Applicants must be of retirement age with limited funds & of good character. Applicants from the Shrewsbury area will be given preference.. New residents accepted from 60 years of age.
Housing Authority: Shropshire
Social Care Authority: Shropshire
Info updated: 20/02/2019
If you are the manager of Berwick Almshouses and want to update your information, please click here.
If you are the manager of Berwick Almshouses and want to update your information, please click here.
Check with Berwick Almshouse Charity - none notified to EAC - Advertise vacancies / sales.Managed by